
Richard The Tech Man is a toolbox of free software that I use on my devices. I recommend that you use them too.

Richard The Tech Man includes things about technology that everybody should know, but don’t. I have personally used all of this software, and strongly suggest them. Gain the advantage with technology.

My computers run Linux Mint and Windows 11. My phone and tablets run Android. Richard The Tech Man has recommendations for these operating systems.

Some of this recommended free software is marked FOSS, which stands for Free and Open-Source Software. This is where anyone is freely licensed to use and edit the software. The source code is shared openly, and people are encouraged to improve the design of the software. This ensures that the software doesn’t do anything that you don’t want it to do.

When downloading software, I will always send you to the original website, to ensure that you get the legitimate, uninfected version of the software.