Popglory P22 smartwatch

First off, get the app for your phone.
Google Play Store Android Heroband Ⅲ app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crrepa.band.hero
Apple App Store Heroband Ⅲ app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/herobandiii/id1374217640

Here is a PDF version of the manual that comes with the watch. You can save it to your phone, so you don’t need to keep the paper copy. https://device.report/m/32100a2b1f34303fbe9b55701092e876d91bf2b126243ff053d41e0b1a7fef4c_optim.pdf

Here is the Popglory Customer Service Email: info@popglory.top

I watched this Popglory P22 Smart Watch Unboxing + Set Up video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbkUydiW6D8

Popglory P22 Smart Watch on the Popglory website.

On the watch, once you enter a menu, to exit, swipe right. I didn’t find this intuitive, so I mention it here.